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ANYONE and EVERYONE is welcome in our leagues
Our goal here at KC Crew is to provide awesome sports leagues and events where all of our participants and staff feel safe, accepted, and know they belong. For several years now, we have been working very hard as a company to educate ourselves and become more aware of gender roles. We currently offer non-gender specific (open) leagues for a variety of sports with a goal to bring more inclusive options for all!
Current League Offerings

These leagues are male-only or female-only. This is to keep competition fair and for the overall safety of our participants.

CoEd leagues require a certain number of both male and female genders on each team.

A open league can be any combination of male, female, transgender, gender-neutral, and non-binary participants.

These teams specifically welcome and bring together members of the LGBTQIA+ community and Allies.
KC Crew strives to promote equality and inclusivity throughout our leagues with respect to everyone’s race, religion, age, gender expression or sexual orientation. We created different team options and rules for the comfort and safety of all our participants.
It is not our intent to make anyone feel excluded from our leagues or events which is why we provide so many options. Participants are encouraged to sign up for the option that will make them feel the most comfortable with the entire goal of having fun and meeting others in the community! If you aren’t sure of a sport’s gender requirements, you can find them in every league description when you go to sign up. Wonder why certain rules exist? See below.
sport specific rules
Even though we are a fun, social league sometimes people take fun a little too seriously. Those one or two individuals can ruin the game for everyone which is why we’ve created some rules specific to certain sports.
CoEd softball
When batting, teams must alternate between a male and a female in an effort to keep teams from trying to “stack the deck” by batting all male participants back to back.
Sometimes teams will walk a male player to try to pitch against a female batter. Due to this we’ve create a rule that if you walk a male batter with 2 outs, the female batter then has the option to take a walk or hit.
A non-binary participant can bat anywhere in the line up. Example: Male-Female-NB-Male-Female. The non-binary participant does not count towards the max limit of male participants in the field.
Coed Kickball
When batting, teams must alternate between a male and a female in an effort to keep teams from trying to “stack the deck” by batting all male participants back to back.
A non-binary participant can bat anywhere in the line up. Example: Male-Female-NB-Male-Female. The non-binary participant does not count towards the max limit of male participants in the field.
coed Sand Volleyball
While playing, there is a rule that if the ball is not hit over the net in 1 hit, a female participant must hit the ball at least once. This exists to avoid male participants jumping in front of female participants and only hitting to other male participants in an effort to win the game.
Coed Basketball
Female goals count for 3s and 4s instead of 2s and 3s to avoid male participants hogging the ball and not passing to female participants.