
PT Partners

Vape Cart

Energy Drink
Updated 7/7/2020: For all future updates on how we will manage our sports and events visit this page.
If you or anyone on your team experiences symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive, please notify KC Crew immediately. All players and teams in that league will be notified. The person who tests positive will not be allowed to return until cleared by their physician. If we discover additional cases or signs of spread amongst your league before your next game, we will notify you of additional steps or measures that we are taking. To report a positive COVID-19 test or symptoms, please contact us at or, or call us at 816-866-3563.
We have been working directly with the City of Kansas City Missouri, KC Parks and Rec, Overland Park Parks and Rec as well as all facilities to put together a 3 phase plan for bringing back our sports and activities. See all details below.
All locations will be provided a Sanitation Kit and have a staging area. See details for each as well as helpful links below.
- Players are discouraged from touching their face, but hand sanitizer is always available for times when they need to
- No contact at all including no high fives, fist bumps or post-game handshakes
- Players are encouraged to tip their hat, give a thumbs up or round of applause as a way to thank the other team for a great game
- Staff will re-sanitize all surfaces and equipment in between games and matches
In the event of COVID-19 or in an unforeseen circumstance, KC Crew reserves the right to transfer your payment to a credit for a future league without the option for a refund.
Sanitation Kit will be prepared and available at all games, matches, and rounds. The following items will be included in every kit for every location. For players and staff.
- Hand Sanitizer
- One at the staging area and one per dugout/court/field
- Disposable Gloves
- Staff required to wear
- Available for players upon request
- Masks
- Staff required to wear
- Available for players upon request
- Spray disinfectant for surfaces and equipment
A staging area will be designated so that the previous teams can leave the court or field before coming into contact with the next group of players.
- Location-specific emails will be sent to all players with instructions about the staging area for their particular location
- All players must check-in with KC Crew staff at the staging area, allowing us to document for contact tracing
- The distance between the staging area and game courts will vary depending on the location. But at no point will the path from previous players come within 6 feet of the path of the next game’s players.
- Volleyball, Pickleball and eventually Basketball @ Hy-Vee Arena
- Each court will have a staging area in a specific section in the stands that is predetermined.
- Each section of the stands has over 100 seats, and each court will have at most 12 players per hour.
- Players will be directed to leave the court out a specific break in the railing
- The incoming players will enter the courts from a different break in the railing
- Sand Volleyball at Berkley Riverfront Park
- The staging area will be roped off on the other side of the hill to the West of the Sand Volleyball courts.
- Each court will have a designated area for teams to warm up.
- Once the previous team has left the court and exited to the South of the volleyball courts back towards the parking lot.
- Then the league monitor will notify the staged teams to head to the volleyball courts using the sidewalk around the North Side of the park.
- Softball @ Penn Valley
- The staging area is near the gazebo and playground area.
- Each team will have a designated area to warm up.
- Previous teams will exit near the right field fence towards their cars
- Once the dugouts are cleared, the league monitor will notify the teams to approach the fields from the South
- Kickball @ Penn Valley
- The staging area will be across the street on the hill of the World War I Memorial
- Previous teams will exit to the North, we’ll have to clearly mark a path.
- Once the fields are clear the next teams can approach from the South along the fence of the Lower field
- Overland Park Community Centers
- We would need to stage teams in one of the classrooms
- Roe Park has plenty of space for multiple staging areas
- Switzer Park, there is a picnic table outside the fence far East side of the courts. The East gate will be the Entrance, the West gate will be the Exit.
- Rosedale
- Staging area behind the bleachers near the pine tree and the cage for Hole 9 of the disc golf course.
- The other staging area would be the small softball field to the East
Below is the plan for Sports/Activities with 2 player teams including Pickleball, Cornhole and Golf.

- We expect all players to sanitize upon arrival, hands, face, and paddles
- The only point of contact between players should be the ball
- Discourage touching the ball, use the paddles
- Avoid touching your face
- Sanitize balls and paddles between every game
- We expect all players to sanitize upon arrival, hands, face, clubs, and bag.
- If carts are available you will be subject to the golf courses rules on use and safety procedures
- Always stay 6 feet away from other players.
- Putting
- The cup will be raised above the green about a half-inch, so the ball doesn’t go in. Hitting the cup will be considered a make.
- Alternatively, players may pick up and consider it a make if you are within putters distance and all players agree
- The cup will be raised above the green about a half-inch, so the ball doesn’t go in. Hitting the cup will be considered a make.
- Do not touch the flagstick
- We expect all players to sanitize upon arrival, hands, face, boards, and bags.
- Double-check that tables and chairs have been cleaned too.
- There will be a designated standing area 6 feet from the boards for the player not currently throwing.
- The next player to throw will wait until the last player is in the standing area before approaching the board
- All participants only pick up their own bags.
- Don’t touch your opponent’s bags.
- After a match is over, the set of boards used will be sanitized.
Below is the plan for limited contact Sports/Activities including Volleyball, Kickball, and Softball.
- We expect all players to sanitize upon arrival, hands, face, and volleyball
- Re-sanitize the volleyball between every game
- Avoid touching other courts’ volleyballs with your hands.
- We expect all players to sanitize upon arrival, hands, face, bats, balls, and gloves
- Dugouts will be closed. Participants should stand or bring chairs to sit along the fence every 6 feet
- Spectators can sit in the stands in marked areas to make sure everyone is 6 feet apart and the stands will be sanitized in between games
- We expect all players to sanitize upon arrival, hands, face, balls, and equipment
- Dugouts will be closed. Participants should stand or bring chairs to sit along the fence every 6 feet
- Spectators can sit in the stands in marked areas to make sure everyone is 6 feet apart and the stands will be sanitized in between games
Below is the plan for Basketball starting as soon as possible.
- KCMO Health Department has declared basketball unsafe due to COVID19. We will bring it back as soon as we can.
- We expect all players to sanitize upon arrival, hands, face, and basketballs
- We will have a staging area similar to other sports
- Balls will be sanitized between games
- First Locations
- Hy-Vee Arena
- Tomahawk Ridge Community Center tentatively
- Matt Ross Community Center tentatively